The phrase "turning a blind eye" is attributed to an incident in the life of British Admiral Horatio Nelson, who was blind in one eye. In 1801, in certain battle, Nelson deliberately disobeyed the order of his superior by putting the telecope to his blind eye claiming that he did not see the related signal.

Meaning To choose to ignore behavior that one knows is wrong.

  • The city officials were bribed. They turned a blind eye to crimes committed by the gangsters.
  • Management often turn a blind eye to harassment in the workplace.
  • She knew Peter was taking the money from the company but she turned a blind eye because he was her son. 




  • The city officials were bribed. They turned a blind eye to crimes committed by the gangsters. 某些地方官员因受贿对歹徒的罪行视若无睹。
  • Management often turn a blind eye to harassment in the workplace. 高层往往对公司发生的性骚扰视而不见。
  • She knew Peter was taking the money from the company but she turned a blind eye because he was her son. 她知道彼得挪用公款,但她视而不见,因他是她的儿子。

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