Last Thursday I went to the Hong Kong Wetland Park, which is a huge natural wetland situated adjacent to the border between Hong Kong and Mainland China. The Park is home to thousands species of fishes, water animals and insects and birds. It also provides a transit sanctuary to, may be, millions of migrating birds en route to the South before the dawning of the winter. On that day, it was cloudy, warm and humid, not a good day for a trip of such sort. However, a day away from the hectic city life of Hong Kong was a bliss anyway. I enjoyed it very much. As Hong Kong was turning into Spring, I could not see too many birds at the Park. I was told by a guide at the Park that the best time for birds watching there were the months of October or November each year. I took some photos with my iPhone, coupled with the cloudiness on that day, which photos did not do justice to the Park and me. Please read about the Park in EnglishSpanish and Chinese.

I also saw Pui Pui, the crocodile which enjoyed celebrity status when it was captured in 2004 (see photo above). Please read about the story of Pui Pui in English and Chinese.

上周四我到香港湿地公园一游,这是一个巨大天然湿地,位于香港与大陆边境毗邻,该 公园是数千品种水动物,昆虫和鸟类之家,它同时为数以百万计之候鸟提供过境庇护。当天天气多云,闷热和潮湿,并不是一个游该公园的好时间,但是可以离开香港繁嚣紧张生活一刻都是一件赏心乐事。由于香港已进入春季,在公园看不到太 多雀鸟,当天导游说最佳赏鸟的时间是每年的十月及十一月,我用我带去的iPhone拍了几张照片,加上当天多云拍到的照片效果不好,对湿地公园和我不公平。当天我还探访了鳄鱼贝贝(请看以上照 片),当年2004年它被捕时,新闻多多,有似明星般。

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